§ 1 Subject matter of the Regulations

(1) These Regulations apply to all services that Pakoszow Palace - Bielarnia Hessa Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Pakoszow Palace) and its subsidiaries, provides to the hotel's guests, event organizers and other business partners - (hereinafter referred to as Contracting Party). The services provided by the hotel primarily include the rental of hotel rooms and other premises for the organization of seminars, meetings, conferences, presentations, banquets, etc.; catering services, the organization of sports and cultural events; undertakings aimed at promoting health and the like, as well as all further, related to the above, services and deliveries on the part of Pakoszow Palace. Pakoszow Palace is authorized to provide its services by third parties.

(2) These Terms and Conditions apply to all types of contracts concluded with Pakoszow Palace, i.e. accommodation of guests, reception of organized groups, contingent contracts or organization of events. The Regulations also apply to all business contracts concluded with the Contracting Party in the future.

(3) Pakoszow Palace shall not be obligated to comply with the Contract Party's internal rules and regulations; the Contract Party's rules and regulations shall not apply, including if Pakoszow Palace does not expressly object to them. Therefore, if a Contract Party raises an objection citing its own internal regulations, such objection will be rejected. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I

§ 2 Conclusion of contract

1. The given contract is concluded by Pakoszow Palace's acceptance of the offer made orally or in writing by the Party. Pakoszow Palace has the right to choose the form of the contract to be concluded - whether it will be in writing, verbally, by e-mail or sent by fax.

(2) Subletting, further renting or free use of the entrusted rooms by third parties, as well as using them for purposes other than residential, is allowed only if the Client obtains Pakoszow Palace's written permission to do so.

§ 3 Use of hotel rooms, transfer of rooms, departure of guests

1. The provision of rooms may take place only for residential purposes.

2. the Contracting Party shall be liable for any damage caused by it or by third parties using Pakoszow Palace services through the Party.

3. the Contracting Party shall not claim any rights to use the specified rooms. In the event that hotel rooms are not available, Pakoszow Palace shall immediately inform the Contract Party and offer substitute service at a hotel of similar category located not too far away. If the contracting party rejects this proposal, Pakoszow Palace will immediately refund the advance payment made by the Party.

(4) The reserved rooms shall be at the disposal of the Contract Party from 2:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. If no further arrangements are made, after 6:00 p.m. Pakoszow Palace has the right to rent the reserved rooms to other customers, and the Contract Party may not make any claims on this account. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I

5. On the day of departure the rooms must be vacated no later than 11.00 a.m. After this time Pakoszow Palace may, due to losses incurred, bill for additional use of the room in the amount of the daily room rate, from 4.00 p.m. 100% of the full price of accommodation according to the price list. Late check-out from the hotel without additional costs is possible only with prior written consent from Pakoszow Palace.

§ 4 Organization of events

1. In order to allow Pakoszow Palace to carefully carry out preparations, the Contracting Party is to provide the final number of participants no later than three days before the start of the event. If the Party provides a higher number of participants than previously agreed upon, this higher number will be the subject of the contract only if the Palace agrees to it in writing. Without Pakoszow Palace's written consent, the Contract Party is not authorized to conduct an event with a higher number of participants. If, on the other hand, the Palace agrees, settlement shall be based on the new arrangements (with additional costs, if necessary). The Contracting Party shall not have the right to claim the above consent. Settlement is made according to the arrangements contained in the contract, regardless of notification of the number of participants. If the event is attended by a smaller number of participants, this will not be the basis for adjusting the price of the service. (2) If the start time of the event is postponed, Pakoszow Palace is entitled to charge the contracting party for any resulting costs. (3) The reserved premises are at the disposal of the Contract Party only during the time agreed upon in the written contract. Use beyond the agreed time shall require written permission from Pakoszow Palace and at an agreed additional cost. PAKOSOW PALACE SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 4. The Contracting Party is obliged to pay Pakoszow Palace for additional services for the benefit of event participants or third parties related to the event. (5) If the Contractual Party, in order to organize an event or any activity on the premises of Pakoszow Palace, will need official documents, related to the operation of the hotel or restaurant, it must arrange them at its own expense, unless other arrangements are agreed upon. The Contracting Party is obligated to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, as well as to pay all amounts due to third parties related to the organization of the event. 6 The Contracting Party is responsible for the behavior of its employees, event participants, as well as its own and all persons cooperating in the organization of the event. Pakoszow Palace may require the Contract Party to issue appropriate security documents (such as insurance, deposit, warranty). (7) In order to prevent any damage, the import and display of any decorative items and other materials must be agreed in advance with Pakoszow Palace. At the end of the event, all the aforementioned items must be taken away. If the Contract Party fails to comply with the above, Pakoszow Palace has the right to remove and store the left over possessions for a fee. All packaging, protective materials during transportation and the like, the Contracting Party must remove at its own expense. If the Contracting Party leaves the aforementioned materials after the event, Pakoszow Palace may remove them at the Contracting Party's expense. All items used in the event, such as decorative items, etc., must comply with the relevant housekeeping regulations. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 8. Any accessories brought to Pakoszow Palace are not insured by Pakoszow Palace. The conclusion of the required insurance is the responsibility of the Contracting Party. (9) Any disturbance or failure of the equipment offered by the Palace , shall be rectified as far as possible. In the event that such action is taken, the Contracting Party may not make any claim for damages. (10) If the Contracting Party intends to use its own electrical equipment, the consent of the hotel management to connect it to the electrical grid is required. (11) If Pakoszow Palace is to arrange for the Contract Party any technical accessories or other equipment from third parties, the Contract Party agrees to handle the same with care and to return them in an undamaged condition and within the agreed time limit; at the same time, the Contract Party shall indemnify Pakoszow Palace against any claims of third parties in connection with the supplied technical accessories. The Palace shall not be liable for failure to deliver on time or for any deficiencies in the delivered accessories. 12. the Contracting Party shall not deliver any food and beverages to the Palace premises. In special cases (e.g., national cuisine specialties), the Contracting Party may obtain written approval for such deliveries; the Palace shall then be entitled to charge the appropriate fees. (13) Press announcements, invitations to interviews or presentations to be held at the Palace shall require prior written approval from the Palace. If such an event occurs without the above approval, Pakoszow Palace has the right to cancel the event. PAKOSOW PALACE SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 14. Any kind of advertisement, information, invitation, in which there is a reference to Pakoszow Palace, especially the use of the hotel's name, requires prior written approval of the hotel. 15.With regard to resignation, cancellation or reduction of the order, the same regulations apply as in § 6. § 5 Provision of services, prices, payment, set-off and assignment 1.Prices of current services are regulated according to Pakoszow Palace price list valid at the time of service provision. All prices include statutory VAT . Included in the price are public law liabilities such as climate tax of the municipality of Piechowice, possibly climate fees, so-called tourist tax, etc. Increases in VAT are charged to the Contracting Party. If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the first performance of the contract exceeds 120 days, Pakoszow Palace has the right to increase prices by a maximum of 5%. If the period exceeds 365 days, prices may be increased by a maximum of 10%. In case of changes in the scope of the offered service, they may lead to a change in price. At the conclusion of the contract Pakoszow Palace has the right to demand an advance payment or deposit from the Contract Party in the amount of up to 100% of the total financial obligation of the Party. The amount of the advance payment and the payment term may be included in the contract. (2) The claim for payment on the part of the Palace shall take effect immediately upon receipt of the invoice by the payer. The invoice is considered to have been delivered to the payee no later than three days after sending, if earlier receipt cannot be proven. In case of payment arrears, the statutory provisions apply. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 3. The issuance of a collective invoice does not release from the obligation to pay individual invoices on time. Default in payment of even one individual invoice entitles Pakoszow Palace to withhold further services, and make the current service subject to a deposit of up to 100% of the unpaid amount. (4) A fee of 40 PLN will be charged for each reminder. Invoices must be paid promptly in cash or by credit card. Pakoszow Palace is entitled to refuse to accept foreign currency, checks or credit cards. (5) Vouchers from travel organizers will be honored only if a credit agreement has been concluded with the respective company; or if the corresponding payment has been made in advance. Failure to use the service shall not entitle the Contract Party to claim reimbursement. (6) The Contract Party may set off its receivables against Pakoszow Palace's receivables if its receivables are undisputed and legitimate. Claims and any other rights regarding settlements with Pakoszow Palace may be assigned to a third party only with the written consent of Pakoszow Palace. (7) If a Contract Party pays for Pakoszow Palace's products subject to prepayment obligations (e.g., advance payments or deposit guaranteeing reservations) by credit card without physically presenting it (e.g., by telephone, Internet, et al.), it shall not be entitled against Pakoszow Palace to cancel the executed charge with its credit institution. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I § 6 Cancellation, cancellation, deduction 1.Reservations of the Contracting Party are binding for both parties. If the terms of cancellation are not covered by the contract, or such contract has expired, and there is no statutory right of cancellation or termination, and Pakoszow Palace does not agree to cancel the contract, Pakoszow Palace retains the right to the agreed remuneration despite the non-use of the service. The Contracting Party is then obligated to pay for the following portions of the agreed amount for overnight stays with breakfast or packages and for organized events, such as weddings or conferences. a) 50% of the agreed total amount, if the cancellation or reduction in the value of the order was made in writing and occurred 89 to 60 days before the start of the anticipated service b) 70% of the agreed total amount, if the written cancellation or reduction in the value of the order occurred 59 to 20 days before the start of the anticipated service c) 90% of the agreed total amount, if the written cancellation or reduction of the order value occurred less than 19 days before the date of the anticipated service d) in the case of surcharges for reserved food (Halbpension), a lump sum of 50% of the surcharges e) in the case of weddings also before 89 days before the performance of the service 40% Pakoszow Palace shall have no claims - except for the organization of weddings - if it receives a written cancellation or reduction of the order value up to 90 days inclusive before the start of the service. (2) The Contracting Party shall have the right to prove that the aforementioned claim has not arisen or has arisen in a different amount than requested. (3) If Pakoszow Palace is able to sell the canceled service to third parties, the Contract Party's compensation shall be reduced by the amount these third parties will pay for the service, but up to a maximum of the total amount of compensation. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I § 7 Cancellation/termination of contract by Pakoszow Palace 1. Pakoszow Palace shall have the right to cancel or terminate the contract if a) a Party to the Contract fails to perform a given service b) performance of the contract is impossible due to force majeure, strike or other reasons beyond the control of the Pakoszow Palace c) the Contracting Party provides misleading or erroneous information regarding the necessary data d) the Contracting Party uses the name of the Palace for advertising purposes without prior written authorization being the subject of the contract e) the premises are subleased in whole or in part without the written consent of the Pakoszow Palace f) the Pakoszow Palace has a legitimate reason to believe that the use of hotel services may jeopardize the efficient operation or safety of the Palace, or endanger its good name. (2) Pakoszow Palace is obliged to notify the Contracting Party of the cancellation of the contract in writing, no later than 14 days after the cause arises. The Pakoszow Palace's cancellation of the contract does not entitle the Contract Party to make claims for damages or other compensation. Pakoszow Palace's right to compensation for the damage caused to it and the expenses incurred shall remain unaffected in the event of legitimate termination of the contract. § 8 Liability of Pakoszow Palace, paraphernalia delivered to the premises of the Palace, statute of limitations 1. Pakoszow Palace shall be liable towards statutory and contractual claims only in case of damage caused by intentional acts or gross negligence. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 2. Liability of Pakoszow Palace for resulting damages or indirect damages is excluded. (3) Exclusion and limitation of liability shall also apply to all companies obligated by Pakoszow Palace to fulfill their obligations under the concluded contracts, all subcontractors and auxiliary companies. It does not apply when Pakoszow Palace guarantees the condition and quality of the services provided and the case involves intentional acts in bad faith. (4) The Contracting Party is obliged to indicate immediately, at the latest upon departure, visible deficiencies and defects in the hotel premises. 5. items left by the Contract Party/guests staying at the hotel will be sent by mail only at the request, risk and expense of the Party. Pakoszow Palace agrees to store these items for 3 months for an appropriate fee. These items, provided they represent apparent value, will then be forwarded to the local lost property office. (6) Any claims of the Contract Party against Pakoszow Palace under the contract shall be barred after a period of two years, counting from the end of the year in which the claim arose, and the Contract Party must have acquired knowledge of the circumstances justifying the claim. § 9 Additional provisions for contracts concerning organized groups 1. If there is an obligation on the part of Pakoszow Palace to provide, in addition to the provision of accommodation and meals, the organization of a leisure time program, a contract for a lump-sum tourist product must be concluded in such a case. Pakoszow Palace SCHLOSS WERNERSDORF 3 Zamkowa St. I 58-573 Piechowice I t. +48 75 649 70 75 I f. +48 75 649 70 74 I 2. The Contracting Party may not make claims due to changes or reductions of individual services within the contract for a lump-sum tourist product, which may arise after the signing of the contract. (3) Pakoszow Palace shall not be liable for damages that the Contract Party will suffer from third parties if the Party uses special services of third parties. The Party will be directed to the organizer in question to file a complaint. § 10 Place of performance and payment, jurisdiction of court, additional arrangements. (1) The place of performance and payment for both Parties shall be Piechowice. (2) The provisions of Polish law shall apply. (3) With the exception of exceptions for private direct consumers, the court in Jelenia Góra is the exclusive jurisdiction for all potential claims arising under the contract.

Um den Aufenthalt für alle unsere Gäste noch angenehmer zu gestalten, möchten wir einige Wünsche äußern:

1) Wir bitten Sie, Ihren Hund im Haus und im Park immer an der Leine zu führen. Es gibt Gäste, die Angst vor Hunden haben oder allergisch auf sie sind.

2. bevor Sie ihn laufen lassen, gehen Sie mit ihm durch das Tor in der Mauer. Dort kann er nach Herzenslust toben. nach Herzenslust toben. Lassen Sie ihn erst im Park frei laufen, wenn er seine Besorgungen draußen gemacht hat. draußen erledigt hat. Sollte sich im Park ein "schwerer Unfall" ereignen, sind geeignete Säcke bereit, damit Kinder oder Erwachsene, die zu Fuß unterwegs sind, später nicht in diese hineintreten.

3. In den Gästezimmern stellen Sie bitte Futter- und Wassernäpfe auf den Fliesenboden. Fliesenboden. Die Abdrücke auf dem Holz lassen sich oft nicht mehr entfernen. - Wenn Sie Schüsseln benötigen, können wir diese für Sie bereitstellen. - Wir gehen davon aus, dass Ihr vierbeiniger Begleiter auf einer Decke und nicht in einem Bett schläft. Wenn Sie ein Bett für Ihren Hund benötigen, stellen wir es gerne zur Verfügung.

4. Wenn Ihr Hund einen Schaden verursacht hat, teilen Sie uns dies bitte mit. Und wir werden Sie verpflichten Wir verpflichten Sie, für alle Schäden aufzukommen.

5. wenn Sie Ihren Hund nachts ausführen möchten, informieren Sie bitte unseren Nachtwächter an der Rezeption.

6. Wenn Sie den Speisesaal mit Ihrem vierbeinigen Begleiter benutzen, halten Sie ihn an der Leine und lassen Sie ihn nicht auf den von Hotelgästen benutzten Sitzen sitzen. Wenn Sie einen Napf benötigen, fragen Sie das Personal.

In der Studie

Der Beherbergungsbetrieb ist verpflichtet, Normen zum Schutz von Minderjährigen anzuwenden, insbesondere die Identität des Minderjährigen und seine Beziehung zu dem Erwachsenen, mit dem er sich in dem Betrieb aufhält, festzustellen.

(Gesetz vom 13. Mai 2016 zur Vorbeugung der Gefahr von Sexualstraftaten und zum Schutz von Minderjährigen).

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